• To: Where we define, in which Language we want the selected text to be TranslatedTo. As we can see in the image below, the selected text has been translated into the English language.

At the bottom right corner of the Translator task pane, is located the Insert button as shown below. By selecting the Insert button, the Translated text will be inserted in our document, depending on where our cursor is.

In the middle of the Translator task pane, we can see the Up and DownArrow located there. By selecting the Up and DownArrow, we will SwapFrom and ToLanguages.

In the image below, from the Translator task pane, I have selected the tab Document and from the area From: the Auto-Detect option is selected. Then from the To: area I have selected for the language to be translated To, to be the EnglishLanguage.

Once we have done all the settings, all that is left is to press the Translate button as shown below.


Once we hit the Translate button, we can see the actual processing of the Translation. We are also notified that we will:

Create A Translated Copy Of This Document With The Microsoft Translator Service. Isoftphone pro 4 2 4 x 2.

In the image below, we can see that the Translation is Complete and that TheTranslatedDocument Is Open In ASeparateWindow.

Note, that if we want the Microsoft Translator Online Service to work, we must TurnOn the IntelligentServices as shown below. In order to activate or deactivate the IntelligentServices just read a previous post of mine named Activate Deactivate Intelligent Services.

Below you can check out the video describing the brand-new Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Word 365.

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You wish to translate a part of text of an article but you do not want Chrome to translate the whole web page? Today we will show you a very quick way to translate the selected text in browser (a single word or a phrase).
By the way, how many taps do you perform on your Android device to see the translation of an unknown word on a website?

How to Translate a Word or Phrase on Android

First, install the Google Translate app from the Play Store:
Then, follow the steps:
  1. Long press on the word (not the link). The word will be selected.
  2. Now you can either edit the selection or leave it as is (in case if you would like to translate the single word).
  3. In the pop-up menu, tap “Translate”.
    If you can’t see such an item, you should first tap the three dots icon to show it.
Now you should be able to see the translation results floating over the app:

Steps for Very Old Devices, Retro Android & App Versions

If you have a very old phone or tablet where you can’t update apps, here are the steps to translate text.
  1. Select the text in the browser.
  2. Tap the “Share” button:
  3. Select the Google Translate app.
  4. The text will be translated using current settings of the app. Change the language or direction if you need to translate to or from another language:

How to Make the “Translate” Item Fit in that Pop-Up?

On my Pixel phones everything is fine with the menu. But on other devices I often need to perform the extra tap every time I want to translate a text in a browser. I mean, I need to first tap on three dots and then select “Translate”.

Translate Tab 2 0 – Quickly Translate Text Message

I found a wonky workaround. I enable the Developer options on my Android device and try to gradually increase the “Smallest Width” value until that pop-up fits entirely.
Translate tab 2 0 – quickly translate text message

Translate Tab 2 0 – Quickly Translate Text Online


Translate Tab 2 0 – Quickly Translate Text Converter

I have this app on my every device because I read a lot of tech news in different languages every day. And I can say, it is awesome!

Translate Tab 2 0 – Quickly Translate Text Into Word

Each time you find an unknown word or can’t understand a phrase (or even paragraph) in your browser or Google app, just 1) select the text and 2) tap “Translate”. That’s all you need to know.